Friday, November 27, 2009

Our Zambia Mission Family!!!

Isn't this a great family portrait??? :) We just returned from our Zambia Baptist Mission Prayer Retreat. Our mission is celebrating 50 years of Baptist work in Zambia this year and we spent much time praying and thanking Him for all that the Father has done here and asking him to continue to use us to finish the task! Our theme was Praying Persistently. What a blessing to be with one another in the presence of our King! The Lord spoke to me through the following verses. Psalm 2:7-8 "I will tell of the decree: The Lord said to me,"You are my Son, today I have begotten you. Ask of me and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession." Join us in asking the Father for the Nations!!!

What a great family portrait! The Zam Fam!

James led worship with our good friend Mike Smith

The Protea Safari Lodge

What a beautiful place! What a blessing to be able to stay here!

Micah and "his boy" Easton Helgren fed a baby Bushbuck that came up to the hotel restaurant! It ate bread crumbs out of their hands!

Girls, Girls, and more Girls! :)

Uncle Kevin tipped the scale! :)

A fun time was had by ALL!!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Our hippo! :)

For a while now, we have told you of the hippos that live in our lake but have yet to "see" them. A couple of weeks ago, I took the kids down the road to swim. While there we heard a loud SNORT from the other side of the bushes. We got our camera and sure enough, about 20 feet off the shore, our hippo swam by! The kids call her "Gloria" (off the movie Madagascar). I hope this is as close as we get to "Gloria"! :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mulberry Madness

We recently found a mulberry tree in Mrs. Ann's yard. It is huge! We had fun picking a basket full of berries and made an amazing Mulberry Cobbler!

Emily is 7!!!!

On September 22nd Emily turned 7 years old! She had a great day! I made her a cake and the icing was literally melting of the cake faster than I could get it on!!!
She got some special things from her siblings and was surprised by a new bicycle from her Mamaw, Pawpaw, and Great-Meemaw! Now we have to learn to ride it!
Emily is truly a blessing to all of us and we are so thankful that the Lord "surprised" us with her 7 years ago and thankful for another year with our sweet "Mima"!

A New Roof

What a mess!!! For the past month we have had workers re-thatching our roof everyday (they said it would take a few days)! There is dirt and straw falling everywhere! We have covered all the furniture and bookcases with sheets and plastic, and as you can imagine, our alergies are going crazy!!! Fortunately, they are only "patching" the roof and not putting on a whole new one! It is really an amazing process to watch though!!!

First they tie poles to the roof and brush off the outer layer of old thatch

Then they "sew" bundles of fresh grass through the roof

The grass is secured by them sewing it to the poles on the inside of the house.

Here are the bundles of frech cut grass

Thankfully, our friend Ruben is the expert and we do not have to do this ourselves!!!

A Spa Party!!!

A few weeks ago, Taylor and Emily invited our landlord, Mrs. Ann, to come for "A Day at the Spa". Ann is our neighbor and she takes care of the property where we live. I colored her hair and the girls helped her to relax by rubbing her hands and feet while she enjoyed a "HomeLife" magazine. Micah even got involved by serving Mrs. Ann with some hot tea! We had a great time ministering to her!!! :)

How to Survive Without Walmart

Lesson 2:
When you live this far out from civilization, it helps if you grow your own produce! Thought you would enjoy these pics of the colorful veggies from our garden!!! This is what they brought me one day (I must be honest with you! There is a gardener that works on the property where we live. He takes the seeds from me.... and brings me the vegetables a few weeks later! Too good to be true... I know!!!) :)

Fresh Cabbagge, Eggplant, Spinach, Carrots, Red Onions, Tomatos,
Cucumbers, Okra, & Zuchinni,


Monday, October 5, 2009

The Green Mamba

September 2009

So today I went to my first Zambian funeral. A man named January who had prayed to receive Christ when one of our teams came earlier this year. He was a young man who attended the Bible study and church in Sinazeze some.

In Africa the funeral pretty much starts when the person dies. I drove and picked up some of the church guys and we started driving to the village where he would be buried.  As we got out of the truck and started walking women were wailing and crying loudly. This made me think how African culture is very similar to the culture in Bible times. I thought of Jesus weeping after showing up in the middle of Lazarus’ funeral. How He was so moved at the sight of people who were saddened by death, and who thought death was the end.

We walked up on a large crowd and made our way through them to stand next to a deep grave that was still being dug by the deceased’s brother. We sang a few songs (all in Tonga) and then a crudely made coffin was brought out. A few of the men jumped down into the grave to help lower the coffin in. I said a prayer and brother Doubt gave a short message (also all in Tonga). Then the family brought some of the mans clothes and put them in the grave with him, then a bar of soap, then his plate and cup. (It was later explained that they would never bury a person’s axe or spear with him because then he might come back and spear someone?) A man the brought a shovel full of dirt from the grave over to us (his church family) and we each just put our hand on the soil, one at a time. We sang a few more songs as the wife went and knelt down by the grave crying and mourning. Then men began taking turns filling in the grave. Four sticks were placed at each corner of the grave and as the men dug women came forward carrying large rocks and bricks and laid them in a pile. Once the grave was filled the four sticks were pulled out, broken and buried on the top of the grave. (This was explained later to me that they do this to prevent anyone from taking the sticks and using them to do harmful magic on someone.) The men began covering the mound of dirt with the rocks and bricks. Once the grave was covered two sacks of wildflowers picked from the bush were opened and given to people. The wife put her flowers on first, then brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, then the man’s children came forward, (his daughters wailed and cried very loudly, crying out “Taata” (Father)) then cousins put there flowers on. Then I got nudged and handed a small bouquet of flowers (apparently they had asked pastors or ministers to come) so I laid them on his grave and said a silent prayer for his family.

As I put that small bouquet of wild yellow flowers and bouganvilla blooms on his grave I couldn’t help but think of some of my very close friends back in Wynne who just two days earlier had buried their oldest son. Marci and I hurt for them, hurt that we couldn’t be there to hug them and comfort them. We had prayed for our friends a lot but I took this moment to pray for them again and then returned to my place in the crowd. A few more flowers were placed then an offering was taken up for the family to buy food for all the people who had come. (In the US we take food to a family who has had a death but all African cultures I know expect the family to feed them when they come to a funeral.) I had brought sugar and salt and milk and gave it to January’s older daughter. After the funeral people began greeting each other and I thought how different but also how similar this was to funerals in America, it is a very important social event. I saw a few familiar faces, some local headmen, the headmistress of the local basic school who gave me a grade 1 Tonga book when I told her I was learning Tonga. Then we left.

So at this point in the story you’re probably wondering why it’s titled the way it is. As I pulled up to the funeral I saw all these African men throwing rocks at a tree. I heard the guys in the truck say something with the word “inzoka” in it and knew it must be a snake. As we got out and all the mourners were wailing I resisted the urge to run over to the tree and look but on the way back I asked if we should go take a look by the tree. (If you were hoping for just a snake story and not a look into the Tonga culture of burial and funerals I apologize. Famous western writer Louis L’Amour said a good writer always starts with action and leads his reader on. Dad always said never let the truth get in the way of a good story. )

So we walk over to the tree and see a chicken has started pecking at the dead/dying snake. It’s not huge but medium size. We flip it over and it looks light brown but as I look closer you can tell it is a deep olive green color. Only green mambas are that color. The guys concur, it is a green mamba. “It can still hammer you,” one of them says meaning that it is not quite dead yet. We leave and pay our respects one last time to the family.  

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Learning to Live Without WAL-MART!!!

Lesson 1 : Re-Using Ziploc bags

Ok... so I really miss my weekly (sometimes daily) trips to Wal-Mart.... BUT.... I am learning that life goes on without it! I have quickly realized just how many Ziploc bags I went thru in the States. Since I can't get them here, I have begun to recycle them. I remember having to wash these thing out in Guatemala as a kid. Didn't like it then and don't really enjoy this process now but here it is nonetheless!

First, wash in HOT soapy water!

Next, rinse in HOT water with a cap-full of bleach!

Then, hang them upside down on the refrigerator to AIRDRY!
Towel drying adds too many bacteria! :)
(learned this trick from Aunt Lindy!)

Bags will stick till they are dry!

Then you start the process again with Coke Zero bottles to be filled with filtered water!

First Day of School!!!!

We recently started the new school year! We are excited about homeschooling. Taylor has begun 2nd grade, Emily is in 1st, and Micah is in Kindergarden. We have a really cool round schoolroom! The kids are proud of their new desks! Mom is staying busy but enjoying this new adventure! Back in Wynne the kids always picked their favorite outfits for the first day of school and we would take here we are...




Friday, July 31, 2009

The Path to Siakwanga

We are excited about our newest Bible Study! We have about 12 adults coming each Friday to hear teaching from God's Word! Praise Him! God has already raised up a leader among them. Please pray for Stanley as He grows in the Lord! Please lift up the new believers in Siakwanga! 

This is the path we walk to Siakwanga. Just over this hill is a river that we have to cross the river! The kids love taking their shoes off and walking thru the water!

This is where our Bible Study meets, under an enormous Baobab tree!

A Visit From Home!

We recently had a team come from our home church in Wynne!
 God used these 19 folks to make a huge impact for the kingdom! We had over 90 decisions made to follow Christ! Lives were changed! Please pray for the men and women who surrendered their lives to the King!
 It was also a special time for us to have "family" with us for a week!
(I don't have many pics of the ministry part because I stayed behind with the kiddos!)

These 11 youth came to spend their summer telling others about Christ!
(you can try to figure out which one isn't the youth!) :)

Here is one of Randy's team meetings! Why does everyone look so confused???

Micah was happy that the team brought some of his favorite toys from home!!!

We even enjoyed haircuts from Beth, our dear friend (and hair stylist) from home!

Taylor and Emily enjoyed some quality time with good friends Kat and Jessica!

Taylor even got to share her bed with her former teacher, Ms. Paula!

And Marci enjoyed seeing some of her dearest friends!

Thank you Wynne Baptist Church for your love for the BaTonga people of Zambia!

Hungry Hungry Hippos! :)

OK, so many of you loved my facebook posts about the hippos so I decided to show you some pics! No, these are not the ones in our yard! We saw these in Livingstone at a game park. However, we do hear our friends, the hippos, just about every night! We have yet to see them therefore I don't know exactly how close they are. By the sound of their snort, I think they are right outside our bedroom window! :) 

I don't know about you but I think the hippo has a pretty good life! 
Laying in the sun all day and going for an occasional swim! :)

Tonga Troubles

July 15, 2009

Okay, so somewhere along the way I was naïve enough to think that learning an African language wouldn’t be THAT hard. Maybe it was because I minored in English in college (that’s a language?) Maybe because I learned to speak Afrikaans in South Africa when I was a kid? Maybe it’s because my Dad learned to speak Venda in Zimbabwe and I’m way smarter than he is (I’m kidding Dad I love you).

But really, for some strange reason I just thought that Tonga was a pretty primitive language so it would probably be somewhat easy to learn. I stand corrected.

 So here’s my attempt to explain to you how learning Tonga is proving to be challenging and hopefully spur you on to praying that James and Marci suddenly have tongues of flame appear over their heads and just rattle off the gospel in Tonga. First there’s the guy that has helped me the most in learning Tonga. His name is Marvelous Simaunga. With a name like that he has to be awesome right?

 So Marvelous and I sit across from each other in the front yard and start going over phrases in Tonga. I was encouraged not to just learn vocabulary words but to try and start using words in full sentences right from the start. Well here’s the first problem. Tonga started off as one language but somewhere down the line it evolved into two similar languages: plateau Tonga and valley Tonga? Why did this happen? I don’t know but I’d like to give the guy that started plateau Tonga a piece of my mind.

So a session of language learning goes something like this:

Me: “What’s the word for head?”

Marvelous: “Mutwe”

Me: “okay so how do you say wash?”

Marvelous: “samba”

Me: “So how would I say I washed my head”

Marvelous: “Ndi samba mutwe wangu”

(literally translated – I wash head that’s mine)

Me: “uhhhhh say that again?”

Marvelous: “Ndi samba mutwe wangu”

(so after a few times of just listening I attempt to say it and finally get it kind of right)

Me: “So I can use this with other words”

Marvelous: “yes”

Me: “So I can say Ndi samba chakulya wangu?”  ( I wash my food ? )

Marvelous: (laughing)

Me: ……?

Marvelous: “no you would say Ndi sanzia chakulya wangu”

Me: “what does that mean”

Marvelous: “to wash”

Me: “sanzia?”

Marvelous: “yes, sanzia”

Me: “but what does “samba” mean?”

Marvelous: “to wash”

Me: ……..

Marvelous: “You use Samba just for your body, if you’re washing body parts, but if you’re washing something else you would use Sanzia”

(It’s at this point I’m thinking I’d like to punch the guy that came up with Tonga)

 So then I start writing down a few vocabulary words to use in sentences and its at this point I realize that Tonga has been changed a bit by the English language. First of all there are words in English that simply don’t exist in Tonga. Example – the word for automobile is “motoka”. Tonga people never had an automobile until white people came with them and they heard them calling them motor cars so the word “motoka” was introduced. Many Tonga’s don’t realize this is an English word, they really thing the Tonga word is “motoka.” Next example of this involves the way many Zambian’s mix up their “r” and “l” sounds (see previous blog entry on the “cobla” for more information)

Me: What is the Tonga word for door?

Marvelous: doolo

Me: doolo?

Marvelous: Yes, doolo

(I’m thinking “man that sounds like dooro with the “l” and “r” sounds swapped?)

Me: so if I wanted to say “open the door”

Marvelous: “jula doolo”

 A little later I’m told that the Tonga word for spoon is “ispunu” and the word for shoes is “mabbusu” (sounds a lot like “boots” like the kind worn by early English settlers)

Anyway, hopefully you can see that we need lots of prayers. The last Tonga phrase that I will leave you with is one I’ve just recently learned and I’m anticipating that I will use it almost as much as the greeting, it goes like this; “Mundijatile ndiciiya kwambaula muChitonga.” (literally – You me forgive I am learning Tonga)

Showers of Blessings!

July 13, 2009

 Standing just a few feet away from the edge of the biggest waterfall in the world makes me think of how our God pours out blessing. The water gathers speed coming down the river and then plummets over the edge of Victoria Falls, thundering down into the canyon below with such force that the natives in the area call it Mosi oa Tunya (The Smoke that Thunders). The mist is so thick that it obscures the view of the bottom of the canyon (for those brave enough to walk to the edge of the cliff and look down) and then shoots water vapor back up out of the gorge to literally “rain” down on those who look at it. 

This past week God rained down blessings on our family when a team from Wynne Baptist Church came to work with us. It was both a blessing and a challenge to see the WBC youth boldly sharing their faith and leading people to Christ! Most everyone on the team can testify to being stretched in one way or another, I know I was. It was not the most comfortable thing to go through at the time but afterwards it is so neat to see how God showed up and worked.

And it wasn’t just getting a little out of their comfort zones…     Team members literally waded through rivers, braved poisonous snakes (a cobra was killed just a few feet away from Randy and Austin’s tent), and went on long, dusty, bumpy rides to share the gospel with the Tonga people. How awesome that the team was trusting God with the results, how cool that God worked on people’s hearts, at least 90 hearts to be more specific!

All week we were so busy going and sharing and ministering that it wasn’t until the team was back in the US that  the Wilcoxes and us sat down and started counting up names of people who had made decisions. God is good. Real good.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Nights!!!

We are enjoying one of our Zambia mission family traditions, pizza night! Every Friday night our mission family make pizzas for dinner! We enjoyed our first ever pizza night last week with James' parents. We even enjoyed a bottled Coke! The kids enjoyed making their own pizza and they were good too! :)